Welcome to the Department of Dermatology

Welcome to the Department of Dermatology at the George Washington University. The department is dedicated to excellence in patient care, education, and clinical research. We also believe community education and outreach is an important part of our mission as dermatologists. Our current areas of research include atopic dermatitis, supportive oncodermatology, nanotechnology, nonmelanoma skin cancer, and medical cannabinoids to name a few.

Students in a classroom, listening to a lecture
Residency Program

Thank you for your interest in the Dermatology Residency Program at the GW School of Medicine and Health Sciences!

Someone writing their notes while having coffee
Dermatology Learning Corner

The GW SMHS Department of Dermatology aims to spread the wealth of knowledge and review materials available to, and many times created by our dedicated faculty and residents. 

Latest News

The impact of childhood onset AD on adult psychosocial experience, including employment and the decision to become a parent, is profound, this study reveals.
When you’re sleeping, your body’s meant to be resting – but something’s not right. Here’s what could be behind your night sweats… and how to make them stop.
GWU professor and chair of dermatology Dr. Adam Friedman joined Good Day DC to break down how skincare differs per age group.